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Open Mon-Thurs 7AM-9PM

Fri-Sat 7AM-9:30PM

Sun Closed

 Breakfast: Mon - Sat 7AM-10:30AM


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What’s the deal with tSoynamis?

A tSoynami is a 100% VEGAN PLANT BASED ice cream treat that gives you super powers!* It starts with our organic unrefined cane sugar, organic soy and coconut milk tSoft tServe ice cream, your choice of vanilla, chocolate, or swirl. Then we stir in all sorts of goodies of your choosing or you can pick one of our signature combinations. Enjoy one today!

***super powers not guaranteed.


Served in a biodegradable cup, with a biodegradable spoon. These are wickedly delisiosio and you shouldn’t alter them unless you REALLY have to.

***Additional charges if you go crazy with the toppings.


Signature tSoynamis:

vanilla $7.00

swirl $7.25

chocolate $7.50

no substitutions please – prices subject to change without notice


Allergy Notice 

All menu items prepared in our kitchens are plant-based. However, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, mushrooms, and seeds are present.  Though we do our best to keep items separated we cannot guarantee the prevention of cross-contact of any ingredient or assume responsibility for a particular sensitivity or allergy to any food product provided by green or nami restaurants.  If you have a hypersensitivity to any of the above allergens, you may want to reconsider dining with us.

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